Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Anna Militelle Light Cycles

I went to Winter Garden this evening to see the Anna Militelle Light Cycles. The pictures on the internet made it seem really magnificent and fancy, but in person, it's just some lights reflecting off the glass. It was a bit anti-climatic, but it was still fun going to check it out. We started in SoHo and walked to Shake Shack for dinner. Because it was blizzarding outside, we stayed there for more than an hour trying to wait out the storm, but it never stopped. So we decided to walk through the financial buildings to get to Winter Garden. I don't think people go there just to see the light cycles; I think we were the only people who went just for that. Regardless, it was still pretty fun hanging out in downtown in the blizzarding weather, and Shake Shack was definitely worth it. 

The light cycles.

Chilling inside Winter Garden.

The snow made my photos come our really good.