Sunday, July 21, 2013

Riverflick Movie, NY Philharmonic, Berlin Wall

This week has been pretty eventful. I went to Central Park on Monday to watch a free concert by the NY Philharmonic. It was a lot of people on the Great Lawn, so many that there were no cell phone reception for the entire two hours of the concert. I thought the concert was alright, but I don't have much to compare it to since I don't go to classical music concerts. It was extremely humid on the Great Lawn though, so it was a pretty uncomfortable two hours there.

On Thursday I went to the Riverflick Movies by Pier 63, right by the Hudson River. It was a lot less crowded than I thought and we were able to get a good patch of grass to sit on. The movie was Looper and I've seen it before, so midway through the movie I took a short nap. I didn't pay much attention to the movie, but it was nice relaxing and lying on the grass. The weather was not bad since the sun was down and the breeze from the Hudson was pretty chilly.

On Friday, I got out of work a little earlier and went to Midtown to see a piece of the Berlin Wall. It's near Madison and 53rd Street and it was in the courtyard of a building. I feel like most people who walk by it don't know that it's a piece of the Berlin Wall. There's no signs saying it, it seemed like any other piece of art.

Lots of people on the Great Lawn. 

Sunset right before the concert.

Riverflick Movie by Pier 63.

We found a nice piece of grass underneath a tree.

A piece of the Berlin Wall.