Friday, March 8, 2013

February Snippets

February was a very busy and eventful month for me. It was filled with prelims in a very short time span, and on top of that, the usual weekly problem sets and projects. Because of all the things that went on in February, last month flew by so quickly and now it's almost spring break. Spring semester always seems to go by so much faster than fall semester, partially probably because spring is something to look forward to as opposed to the cold Ithaca winter. Speaking of winter, it's been snowing almost every day here for the past few weeks. I'm so done with so. Everyday I walk out of my apartment and it's super cold or flurrying. I just want warmer weather to be here already..

Here's some photos from the 365 Project from February:

Goodies from the spring career fair.

I think these were grapes from West Campus dining halls. So delicious.

Finally sled down Libe on dining hall trays!


Bored on a Friday night.

Still got some food I brought from home.


Dinner during prelim season. All frozen food.